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Robert Voigt

Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Raum: House of Prominence, R3.05
Email: rvoigt4(at)

Forschungsschwerpunkte / Research Focus

  • Prominenz in Sprache
  • Referenz, referenzielle Ausdrücke und unser mentales Modell der Welt

  • Multimodalität von Sprache

  • Naturalistische Sprachversuche

Biographisches / Biography

Publikationen / Publications

Vorträge und organisierte Tagungen


  • Voigt, Robert. 2024. I see what you mean – investigating the interplay of linguistic and non-linguistic cues during reference resolution in a real-world design. Talk at the 46th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft). AG 12: Naturalistic approaches to reference, February 28 – March 01, Bochum (Germany). 
  • Cokal, Derya, Robert Voigt & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. German demonstrative pronouns in contrast. Presentation at XPRAG (10th biennial meeting of experimental pragmatics), September 20 – 22, Paris (France).

  • Cokal, Derya, Robert Voigt & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. German demonstrative pronouns in contrast. Presentation at AmLAP23, 31 August – 02 September, San Sebastian (Spain).

  • Voigt, Robert. 2023. The McPotter effect – Investigating motor theory of speech perception with naturalistic stimuli. Talk at the Phonetics Lab of Université Paris Cité, June 8th, Paris (France).

  • Lützeler Anne & Voigt, Robert. 2023. Effects of evaluation and prominence on the resolution of German demonstratives. Poster presentation at ConSole31, February 22-24, Bielefeld (Germany). 

  •  Voigt, Robert. 2022. Contrast and the pronominal use of the demonstratives der and dieser in German. Poster presentation at ConSOLE 30, 25-27 January 2022, Nantes (France).

  • Voigt, Robert. 2022. Does contrast affect the use of the personal pronoun er and the pronominal demonstratives der and dieser in German? Presentation at 71. StuTS + 31. TaCoS, 26-28 May 2022. Leeuwaarden (Netherlands).
