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Sinn und Bedeutung 26


The proceedings are ready for download.

Bibliographic information: Gutzmann, Daniel & Sophie Repp, Eds. (2022) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26. Universität zu Köln.

The proceedings will be maintained by the University of Konstanz on the SuB proceedings site and will appear there in January 2023. You will also be able to download individual articles then.

Contact address editors:


The conference at a glance

Sinn und Bedeutung 26 was be hosted by the Institute of German Language and Literature I and the Cologne Center of Language Sciences at the University of Cologne on 8-10 September 2021.

We had the following invited speakersTeresa Espinal (UA Barcelona), Michael Franke (Osnabrück), Claudia Maienborn (Tübingen), and Floris Roelofsen (Amsterdam).

Organizing Team: Daniel Gutzmann and Sophie Repp

Program Committee: Cornelia Ebert (Frankfurt), Daniel Gutzmann (Cologne), Stefan Hinterwimmer (Wuppertal), Sophie Repp (Cologne), Petra Schumacher (Cologne), Thomas Ede Zimmermann (Frankfurt)

Program: Download pdf (and see below for html version)

OSF: SuB 26 Page | Instructions for presenters

Sister event: Formal Diachronic Semantics 6


Past information


All talks will be given in real time via Zoom. Since presenters are in different time zones, we kindly ask all presenters to allow us to record their presentation whilst they are speaking so we can make the presentations available on OSF (see further below), and attendees of the conference for whom the early/late time slots are not feasible will still be able to hear the presentations and interact with the presenters via the chat/comment function on OSF. If presenters prefer to record a version for OSF before their talk that is fine with us but the talk should be given live in the assigned time slot in any case. The length of the talks should be approx. 30/35 minutes with 10 minutes discussion time.

The poster session will also take place via Zoom. It will start with a block of two-minute lightning talks in the main zoom room. Then the posters will be presented in individual break-out rooms. We ask all poster presenters to send us ( two to three slides for the lightning talks as well as their posters in pdf format before the conference (by 7 September, 9 o'clock Central European Time). We will collate the slides for the lightning talks for smooth presentation during the poster session. Posters can also be made available on OSF (see below).

Presentation materials on OSF

We have created a meeting space for SuB 26 on OSF:

Presenters who wish to make their presentation (talk or poster) available to others, please follow the instructions given here: OSF instructions for presenters (see the short video 'Example talk'). 
Attendees who wish to view presentations after the live Zoom session may view the materials and use the comment/chat function on OSF to interact with presenters (speech bubbles in the right top corner).


Registration for SuB 26 will be free. However, it will be necessary to register to attend the online event, which will take place via Zoom. Upon registration, you will be provided with the passwords that will give you access to the Zoom sessions. Presenters/Authors who have entered their email address on Easychair have already been registered and will receive the passwords via email before the conference.

Registration will start on 1 September and will run during the entire conference. However, we kindly ask you to register BEFORE 8 September to avoid any delays in receiving the passwords. Everyone who registers between 1 and 7 September will receive the passwords on 7 September (CET). 

To register, please send an email to:
Subject line: Registration SuB 26
Mail body: first name, last name, and affiliation



pdf download (The most up-to-date Program is the web table below but we are continuously updating the pdf as well).

To access the zoom sessions, click on the day and room name of the session that you wish to attend, in the program table below. For the welcome session, the business meeting and the presentations given by the invited speakers, click on the one link in the respective cell or on 'Invited talk'. Please enter the password that you were given upon registration. Please refresh the page regularly - we are continuously updating it during the conference.


8 September 


WELCOME (plus General information)


Wednesday – Room 1 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Ingmar Brilmayer
Chair: Kristina Liefke

Wednesday – Room 2 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Max Bonke
Chair: Heiko Seeliger

Wednesday – Room 3 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Cornelia Ebert
Chair: Sophie Repp


Eszter Ronai and Ming Xiang

The University of Chicago

Explaining scalar diversity with predictability of alternatives

Torgrim Solstad and Oliver Bott

Bielefeld University

Cataphoric presuppositions

Manfred Sailer

Goethe-University Frankfurt (a.M.)

Use-conditional licensing of strong NPIs


Chao Sun and Richard Breheny

Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS), University College London

What the inference task can tell us about the comprehension of scalars and numbers: An investigation of probe question and response bias

Felix Frühauf

Universität Konstanz

German rationale clauses under attitude verbs

Juliane Schwab and Mingya Liu

Osnabrück University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Attenuating NPIs in indicative vs. counterfactual conditionals


Lunch break: Mozilla Hubs OR Zoom


Wednesday – Room 1 – Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Ingmar Brilmayer
Chair: Ingmar Brilmayer

Wednesday – Room 2 – Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Max Bonke
Chair: Sarah Zobel

Wednesday – Room 3– Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Cornelia Ebert
Chair: Viola Schmitt


Adina Camelia Bleotu, Anton Benz and Nicole Gotzner

University of Bucharest, Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS)

Romanian 5-year-olds derive global but not local implicatures with quantifiers embedded under epistemic adverbs: Evidence from a shadow-playing paradigm.

Alexander Wimmer and Robin Hörnig

Universität Tübingen

Present counterfactuals and the indicative-subjunctive divide

Giuseppe Magistro

Ghent University

The rise and fall of illocutionary negation: the semantic reanalysis of Venetan 'miga'


Nicole Gotzner and Anton Benz

Universität Potsdam, Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS)

Implicatures in (non-) monotonic environments

Alexandros Kalomoiros and Florian Schwarz

University of Pennsylvania

Presupposition projection from 'or' vs 'and' - an experimental comparison

Maike Züfle and Roni Katzir

Heidelberg University, Tel Aviv University

An evolutionary model-based approach to the missing o-corner



Invited Talk Michael Franke (Osnabrück University): What’s a good question?


Coffee break Mozilla Hubs


Wednesday – Room 1 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Ingmar Brilmayer
Chair: Berit Gehrke

Wednesday – Room 2 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Max Bonke
Chair: Mingya Liu

Wednesday – Room 3 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Cornelia Ebert
Chair: Florian Schwarz


CANCELLED Ryan Walter Smith

University of Texas at El Paso

A unified semantics for associative plurals and plural pronoun constructions

Dongsik Lim, Semoon Hoe andYugyeong Park

Hongik University, Pusan National University, Seoul National University

Two different types of inference in evidentials: efficacy vs. doxastic worlds

Marianne Huijsmans and Daniel Reisinger

University of British Columbia

Gesture vs. salience: Two types of demonstratives in ʔayʔaǰuθəm


Robert Henderson, Jeremy Pasquereau and John Powell

University of Arizona, UK Surrey Morphology Group, University of Arizona

Dependent pluractionality in Piipaash (Yuman)

Yurika Aonuki

University of British Columbia

An account of morphological tenselessness in Gitksan inspired by SOT in English

Michela Ippolito, Francesca Foppolo and Francesca Panzeri

University of Toronto, Universita degli Studi Milano – Bicocca

Is the 'mano a tulipano' gesture compatible with canonical questions? An empirical study of a speech act-marking gesture








Poster Room

[1] Anne Mucha (Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim) and Jutta Hartmann (Bielefeld University)

(Non)Attitude verbs and control shift: Evidence from German

[2] Berit Gehrke (HU Berlin) and Marcin Wagiel (Masaryk University Brno):

Non-conservative readings with percentage quantifiers in Slavic and German

[3] Jianan Liu, Xiaoli Dong and Bert Le Bruyn (UiL-OTS):

Mandarin bare indefinites

[4] Mathieu Paillé (McGill University)

Non-Boolean conjunction with atomic and plural subjects

[5] Mora Maldonado (University of Edinburgh), Noga Zaslavsky (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Jennifer Culbertson (University of Edinburgh)

Efficient coding explains cross-linguistic patterns in Person systems

[6] Kazuko Yatsushiro, Tue Trinh, Marzena Żygis, Stephanie Solt, Anton Benz and Manfred Krifka (Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS))

Assertability differences between epistemic adverbs and adjectives

[7] Kurt Erbach (University of Bonn) and Leda Berio (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf))

Countability shifts in the normative dimension

[8] Michela Ippolito, Angelika Kiss and Will Williams (University of Toronto)

The discourse function of adversative conjunction

[9] M. Ryan Bochnak (University of British Columbia)

Two types of futures in Washo

[10] Jun Chen (University of Stuttgart) and Sean Papay (University of Stuttgart)

Sentence-final particle de in Mandarin as an informativity maximizer


9 September




Thursday – Room 1 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Clare Patterson
Chair: Nina Haslinger

Thursday – Room 2 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Ede Zimmermann
Chair: Thomas Weskott

Thursday – Room 3 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Jakob Egetenmeyer
Chair: Stefan Hinterwimmer


Adam Przepiórkowski

University of Warsaw / Polish Academy of Sciences / University of Oxford

Polyadic cover quantification in heterofunctional coordination

Xixian Liao

Pompeu Fabra University      

Coherence-driven predictability and referential form: evidence from English corpus data


Kobe University

Resolving teleological QUDs with/without discourse particles and vocatives


İsa Kerem Bayırlı

TOBB University of Economics and Technology

The left-CONS2 Constraint

Asya Achimova, Christian Stegemann-Philipps, Susanne Winkler and Martin V. Butz

University of Tübingen

Referring to agents in an artifcial world: the role of predictability

Alex Warstadt and Omar Agha

New York University                

Testing gradient measures of relevance in discourse



Lunch break Mozilla Hubs OR Zoom


Thursday – Room 1– Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Clare Patterson
Chair: Todd Snider

Thursday – Room 2– Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Ede Zimmermann
Chair: Ljudmila Geist

Thursday – Room 3– Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Jakob Egetenmeyer
Chair: Malte Zimmermann


Lydia Newkirk

Rutgers University

Limited variable-force modals and the interaction of scal{ar,eless} implicatures

Masashi Harada

McGill University

On the plural projection analysis of plurals/cumulativity

Daniel Goodhue

University of Maryland

Rising declaratives and the pragmatics of illocutionary force


Richard Booth

Columbia University

Necessity modals, disjunctions, and collectivity

Aron Hirsch and Bernhard Schwarz

Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS), McGill University

Cumulative readings in focus contexts

Cory Bill and Todor Koev

Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS), University of Konstanz

Really: Ambiguity and question bias



Invited Talk  M. Teresa Espinal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Negation in language and mind


Coffee Break: Mozilla Hubs


Thursday – Room 1 – Evening Session
Zoom host:Clare Patterson
Chair: Stephanie Solt

Thursday – Room 2 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Ede Zimmermann
Chair: Bernhard Schwarz

Thursday – Room 3 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Jakob Egetenmeyer
Chair: Aron Hirsch


Adam Gobeski and Marcin Morzycki

Unaffiliated (United States), University of British Columbia

Odds, probabilities, scores, and the interpretation of measure phrases

Moshe E. Bar-Lev

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Why the distributive/collective ambiguity is (sometimes) a myth

Lalitha Balachandran

University of California, Santa Cruz

Reciprocal questions and the pragmatics of argument reversing VPE


Peter Sutton, Hana Filip, Todd Snider and Mia Windhearn

UPF Barcelona, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Metaphorical measure expressions

Mojmír Dočekal, Nina Haslinger, Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Viola Schmitt, Marcin Wagiel, Valerie Wurm and Iveta Šafratová

Masaryk University, University of Göttingen, University of Vienna, Central European University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Masaryk University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Masaryk University Brno

Cumulative readings of distributive conjunctions: Evidence from Czech and German

Richard Stockwell

Christ Church, University of Oxford

Contradiction and ellipsis licensing with voice mismatch and symmetry



Invited Talk  Floris Roelofsen (University of Amsterdam): Text to Sign Translation



Mozilla Hubs (open all day)


10 September




Friday – Room 1 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Heiko Seeliger
Chair: Peter Sutton

Friday – Room 2 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Stefan Hinterwimmer
Chair: Anne Mucha

Friday – Room 3 – Morning Session
Zoom host: Katharina Schaebbicke
Chair: Nadine Bade


Isabelle Charnavel

Harvard University

The last take on intensional superlatives

Friederike Moltmann

Université Paris      

Empathetic attitude reports

Ciyang Qing and Floris Roelofsen

University of Amsterdam

Quantifier scope in questions


Mojmír Dočekal and Hana Krajíčková

Masaryk University Brno

Comparative and superlative differentials: experimental evidence from Czech

Julia Lukassek, Maria Ermakova and Juliane Nau

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zentrum für digitale Lexikographie der deutschen Sprache

German zum-PPs as adjective intensifiers

Moritz Igel and Konstantin Sachs

University of Tübingen

Star operators episode 2: Return of the double star


Lunch break: Mozilla Hubs


Friday – Room 1– Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Heiko Seeliger
Chair: Frank Sode

Friday – Room 2– Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Stefan Hinterwimmer
Chair: Felix Frühauf

Friday – Room 3– Afternoon Session
Zoom host: Katharina Schaebbicke
Chair: Manfred Sailer


Gerhard Schaden

Université de Lille

An Interactivist Approach to Slurs

William Johnston

McGill University

Nonspecific promises: Restitutive 'again' and intensional transfer-of-posRoom verbs

Joshua Martin        

Harvard University

A structural source for intersective ambiguity


Sarah Zobel and Jakob Majdič

University of Oslo, University of Vienna

Expressing difficult achievements in Bavarian: the interpretation of 'der'-verbs

Mira Grubic

Potsdam University

On "noch (ein)mal so"

Stavroula Alexandropoulou and Nicole Gotzner

University of Potsdam

Negation, polarity & scale structure: Different inferences of gradable adjectives


Coffee Break: Mozilla Hubs


Friday – Room 1 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Heiko Seeliger
Chair: Anton Benz

Friday – Room 2 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Stefan Hinterwimmer
Chair: Gerhard Schaden

Friday – Room 3 – Evening Session
Zoom host: Katharina Schaebbicke
Chair: Tue Trinh


Dorit Abusch and Mats Rooth

Cornell University

Intensional and temporal pictorial conflation

Carina Bolaños Lewen and Carolyn Anderson

Wesleyan University and Wellesley College

(Some) parentheses are focus-sensitive operators

Ang Li

Rutgers University

Internal comparison in a plural domain


Frank Sode

Goethe University Frankfurt (a.M.)

Two notions of 'de se' in desire reports

Ruyue Agnes Bi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Deriving evaluativity in even-comparatives via presupposition accommodation

Luis Miguel Toquero Pérez

University of Southern California           

A seeming violation to the Monotonicity Constraint: Evidence from Spanish verbal comparatives



CANCELLED Invited Talk Claudia Maienborn (University of Tübingen): Unmasking bracketing paradoxes: A pragmatic approach


GOOD-BYE and Announcement for next SuB
