Dr.' phil. Elif Krause
Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I
Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt "Special Indefinites
in Discourse" (Klaus von Heusinger)
Raum 4.10 (Luxemburgerstr. 299, 50937 Köln)
E-Mail: ebamyaci(at)uni-koeln.de
Homepage: www.el-krause.de
- Syntax-semantics interface
- Syntax-pragmatics interface
- Agrammatism
- Bilingualism
Aktuelle Publikationen
Publications in International Refereed Journals
- Arslan, S., Bamyacı, E., Bastiaansen, R. (2016) A characterization of verb use in Turkish agrammatic narrative speech. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics.
Publications in Proceedings & National Refereed Journals
- Bamyacı, E. (2016) Semantic-pragmatic constraints on optional verb number marking. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Camebridge, MA.
- Bamyacı, E. (2016) Competing Structures in the Bilingual Mind: A Psycholinguistic Investigation of Optional Verb Number Agreement. Springer