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Publications in International Refereed Journals

  • Arslan, S., Bamyacı, E., Bastiaansen, R. (2016) A characterization of verb use in Turkish agrammatic narrative speech. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics.
  • Bamyacı, E., Häussler, J., Kabak, B. (2014) The interaction of animacy and number agreement: An experimental investigation. Lingua, 148, pp. 254-277
  • Haspelmath, M., Calude A., Narrog, H., Spagnol, M., Bamyacı, E. (2014) Coding causal–noncausal verb alternations: A form-frequency correspondence explanation. Journal of Linguistics, 50(3), pp. 587-625
  • Bastiaanse, R., Bamyacı, E., Chien, J. H., Lee, J., Yarbay Duman, T., Thompson, C.K. (2011) Time reference in agrammatic aphasia: A cross-linguistic study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 24(6), pp. 652-673

 Publications in Proceedings & National Refereed Journals

  • Bamyacı, E. (2016) Semantic-pragmatic constraints on optional verb number marking. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Camebridge, MA.
  • Rinker, T., Budde, N., Bamyacı, E., Winter, V. (2011) Einblicke in die sprachlichen Leistungen türkischer Kinder mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Ersch. in: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung. 6(4), 471-478.
  • Bastiaanse, R., Bamyacı, E., Chien, J. H., Lee, J., Yarbay Duman, T., Thompson, C.K. (2009) The Production and Comprehension of Grammatical Time Reference in Agrammatic Aphasia: A Cross Linguistic Study. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of Academy of Aphasia, Boston, MA, USA (pp. 134-136).


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