Maria Lialiou
Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I
SFB 1252 Prominence in Language, project A01
Luxemburger Str. 299, Raum 3.10
Tel: (+49) 221 - 470 89914

Research interests
- Intonation and Prosody
- Laboratory Phonology and Articulation
- Speech and Language Processing
- Neurolinguistics
07/2021 – pres.
Ph.D. student in Linguistics, CRC ‘Prominence in Language’, project A01,
Department of German Language and Literature I Linguistics, University of Cologne, Germany
Working Title: The processing of rises and falls.
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Petra Schumacher and Prof. Dr. Martine Grice
10/2018 – 03/2021
M.Sc. in Experimental and Clinical Linguistics with distinction (1,2)
Department of Linguistics, Potsdam Universität, Germany
Thesis Title: Syllabic structure and temporal organization in /sC/ sequences.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Adamantios I. Gafos and Dr. Stavroula Sotiropoulou
04 – 09/2016
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program for B.A. studies in Linguistics,
Department of Linguistics, Potsdam Universität, Germany
10/2013 – 07/2017
B.A. in Linguistics with a minor in Philology very good (8,10/10 final grade)
Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
04/2021 – pres.
Doctoral Research Fellow, CRC ‘Prominence in Language’, project A01, University of Cologne
02/2019 – 06/2021
Research assistant, Laboratory of Phonology and Phonetics, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Germany
03/2020 – 03/2021
Research assistant, Center for Cognitive Science, Department of Psycholinguistics and Language Development, University of Kaiserlautern, Germany
- International Phonetic Association (IPA)
- Cologne Center of Language Science (CCLC)
- Association for Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon)
Research Articles
Lialiou, M., Grice, M., Röhr, C. T., & Schumacher, P. B. (under review). Auditory processing of intonational rises and falls in German: Rises are special in attention orienting. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Katsika, K., Lialiou M., Allen, M. E. (under review). Bilingual children’s online processing of relative clauses: evidence from heritage Greek. Special issue on child bilingual in Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism
Coretta, S., Casillas, J. V., […], Lialiou, M., […], & Roettger, T. B. (2023). Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses. In Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022). The Influence of Case and Word Order in Child and Adult Processing of Relative Clauses in Greek. Languages, 7(3), 206. MDPI AG.
Lialiou, M., Sotiropoulou, S., & Gafos, A.I. (2021). Spatiotemporal coordination patterns in word-medial stop-lateral and s-stop clusters of American English. Phonetica, 78(5-6),385-433, 000010151520212010.
Conference Proceedings
Lialiou, M., Bruggeman, A., Vella, A., Grech, S., Schumacher P. B., & Grice, M. (2023). Word-level prominence and “stress deafness” in Maltese-English bilinguals. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 132-136). Guarant International.
Ghaffarvand-Mokari, P., & Lialiou, M. (2022). Perceptual and acoustic similarity of Modern Greek and Standard Germanvowels: does cross-linguistic acoustic similarity predict perception of non-native vowels? In J. Levis & A. Guskaroska (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines ON.
Lialiou, M., Albert, A., Vella, A., & Grice, M. (in press). Periodic energy mass on head and edge tones in Maltese wh-constructions. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation, University of Southern Denmark.
Ghaffarvand M. P., & Lialiou, M. (to appear). Does cross-linguistic acoustic similarity predict perception of non-native vowels? In Proceedings of the 12th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Brock University, Canada.
Lialiou, M. (2020). Syllabic structure and temporal organization in /sC/ sequences (Master Thesis). Potsdam Universität, Potsdam, Germany.
Talks and posters at international conferences and workshops
Moyer, M., Dieuleveut, A., Lialiou, M., Spaniol, M., & Wu, Y. (2023). Tu peux jouer de la guitare? Prosodic cues for disambiguating indirect requests in French. Talk at the workshop Voices in Contexts, October 12-13, Cologne, Germany.
Lialiou, M., Bruggeman, A., Vella, A., Grech, S., Schumacher, P. B., & Grice, M. (2023). Word-level prominence and «stress deafness» in Maltese-English Bilinguals. Poster at the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 7-11, Prague, Czech Republic.
Lialiou, M., Grice, M., Röhr, T., C., & Schumacher, B. P. (2023). Brain indices for processing rising and falling pitch: An MMN study. Talk at the 5th international conference on Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, June 2-4, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Lialiou, M., Vella, A., & Grice, M. (2023). Prosodic prominence and tonal association in Maltese and Maltese English. Talk at the Speech Units Workshop, April 17-19, Zurich, Switzerland.
Lialiou, M., Grice, M., Röhr, T., C., Brilmeyer, I., & Schumacher, B. P. (2022). Are rises special in attention orienting? Some evidence from boundary tones in German. Poster at the 28th conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, September 7-9, York, UK.
Lialiou, M., Albert, A., Vella, A., & Grice, M. (2022). Prominence at edges? Some evidence from Maltese wh-questions. Talk at the 3rd International Conference on Prominence, June 2-3, Cologne, Germany. [abstract]
Albert, A., Lialiou, M., Sbranna, S., & Cangemi, F. (2022). Improved acoustic characterization of prosodic prominence using periodic energy mass. Poster at the 3rd International Conference on Prominence, June 2-3, Cologne, Germany. [abstract] [poster]
Lialiou, M., Albert, A., Vella, A., & Grice, M. (2021). Periodic energy mass on head and edge tones in Maltese wh-constructions. Poster at the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation, December 6-9, Sonderborg, Denmark.
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. (2021). Real-time processing of relative clauses in heritage speakers of Greek in Germany. Talk at Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning, September 16-17, Zurich. [abstract]
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. (2021). Bilingual processing of complex structures; evidence from heritage Greek. Talk at the Conference on Multilingualism (online conference), June 23-15, Konstanz, Germany. [abstract]
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. (2021). Online processing of relative clauses in monolingual and bilingual children: evidence from heritage Greek. Poster at the XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, (online conference), June 22-25, Madrid, Spain.
Lialiou, M., & Ghaffarvand M. P. (2021). Does cross-linguistic acoustic similarity predict perception of non-native vowels? Poster at the 12th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language and Teaching Conference (online conference), June 18-19, Brock
University, Canada. [abstract] [poster] [audio presentation]
Katsika, K., Lialiou, M., & Allen, S. (2021). Online relative clause processing in monolingual and successive bilingual children with Greek as a heritage language. Poster at the 13th Heritage Language (Virtual) Institute, National Heritage Language
Resource Center (UCLA), June 7-10, California, Los Angeles, USA. [poster] [video presentation]
Lialiou, M., Sotiropoulou, S., & Gafos, A. I. (2020). Temporal Patterns in word-medial clusters of American English. Poster at the 17th Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP 17), February 5-7, Warsaw, Poland. [abstract] [poster]
Invited talks
Lialiou, M. (2023). Auditory processing of rising and falling intonation in German: Rises are special in attention orienting. Invited talk at the Lunch&Linguistics Colloquium, CCLS, University of Cologne, November 8.
Lialiou, M. (2021). Syllabic structure and temporal organization in word-internal /sC/ sequences. Invited talk at the University of Potsdam, Linguistics Department, Phonology and Phonetics work group (Phopho colloquium), March 29.
Lialiou, M. (2020). Spanish /sC/ sequences; articulatory data segmentation. Invited talk at the University of Potsdam, Linguistics Department, Phonology and Phonetics work group (Phopho colloquium), July 23.
Lialiou, M. (2020). Syllabic structure and temporal organization of /sC/ sequences: insights from Spanish. Invited talk at the University of Potsdam, Linguistics Department, Phonology and Phonetics work group (Phopho colloquium), July 2.
Fellowships and awards
DAAD Reisestipendium for my poster “Word-level prominence and «stress deafness» in Maltese-English Bilinguals” in the 20th ICPhS in Prague, Czech Republic, 2023
International Phonetic Association (IPA) Student Award for my poster “Periodic energy mass on head and edge tones in Maltese wh-constructions.” in the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation, Denmark, 2021
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme for B.A. studies in Linguistics Department of Linguistics, Potsdam Universität, Germany, April – September 2016
Semester courses
Summer term 2023 Laboratory Phonology – Acoustics, BA Seminar, IfL – Phonetik, University of Cologne (co-teaching with Janne Lorenzen, Alicia Janz)
Guest lectures
Winter term 2022/23 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology II, BA Seminar, IfL – Phonetik, University of Cologne
Winter term 2020/21 Topics in Phonology, BSc Seminar, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam
Mentoring and supervision
04/2023 – 09/2023 (Summer term 2023): Co-Supervision of BA thesis with Martine Grice: Solveigh Janzen, «Pitch prominence in Maltese English».01/2023 – 03/2023 Co-supervision of Erasmus Traineeship with Martine Grice: Nadezda Pelageina, “Lexical prosody and prosody in interaction”.
Academic Service
«Workshop on Generalised Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs)», December 13-15 2023, University of Cologne, Germany (taught by Márton Sóskuthy)«Voices in Context: A workshop on the prosody-pragmatics interface for early career researchers», October 12-13 2023, University of Cologne, Germany (together with Malin Spaniol, Janne Lorenzen, Timo Buchholz)
3rd International Conference on «Prominence in Language», June 2-3 2022, University of Cologne, Germany (together with Sophie Repp, Jakob Egetenmeyer, Haydar Batuhan Yildiz)
06/2023 – present, Deputy Representative of Doctoral students in the Board of the CRC «Prominence in Language» at the University of Cologne.04/2021 – 06/2023, Member of the «Sustainability Working Group» in the CRC «Prominence in Language» at the University of Cologne.