Internal Arguments
Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger, University of Cologne
Dr. Alina Tigau, University of Bucharest
Das Projekt “Internal Arguments” wird von der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung unterstützt.
The project „Internal Arguments“ is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Internal Arguments ist ein Forschungsprojekt, das sich auf die Syntax-Semantik-Schnittstelle konzentriert. Ziel ist es, eine umfassende und sprachübergreifende Darstellung der Syntax und Semantik von direkten und indirekten Objekt-DPs zu erstellen. Rumänisch fungiert dabei als Ausgangspunkt und wird aus einer vergleichenden Perspektive mit Spanisch, Katalanisch, Italienisch etc. untersucht. Dieses Vorhaben stellt eine Fortsetzung des von der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung geförderten Forschungsprojektes Quantification and reference in Romance and Germanic dar, das den Zusammenhang zwischen Skopusabhängigkeiten, Wortfolge und DP-Typ mit internen Argumenten untersucht.
Das aktuelle Forschungsprojekt zielt darauf ab, die Untersuchung der Syntax und Semantik interner Argumente einen Schritt voran zu bringen. Mehrere Forschungsfragen werden verfolgt:
- In welchem Verhältnis stehen Struktur und Interpretation des direkten Objekts-Typs, besonders bezüglich differentieller Objektmarkierung (DOM) und Clitic Doubling (CD)?
- Gibt es eine Parallelität zwischen markierten direkten Objekten (DOs) und indirekten Objekten (IOs)?
- Wie interagieren DOs und IOs in ditransitiven Konfigurationen? Was ist die grundlegende Grundkonfiguration? Beeinflusst der DP-Typ diese Konfiguration z.B. durch Bewegung?
Internal Arguments is a research project targeting the syntax-semantics interface. Its aim is to provide a comprehensive account of the syntax and semantics of direct and indirect object DPs crosslinguistically taking Romanian as a starting point of investigation.
This undertaking represents a continuation of the research project Quantification and reference in Romance and Germanic funded by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, investigating the relation between scope dependencies, word order and DP type with internal arguments.
The current research project aims at taking investigation into the syntax and semantics of internal arguments one step further. Several research questions will be pursued:
- What is the relation between the structure and interpretation of the various direct object types, especially in what Differential Object Marking (DOM) and Clitic Doubling (CD)?
- Is there a parallelism between marked direct objects (DOs) and indirect objects (IOs)?
- How do DOs and IOs interact in ditransitive configurations? What is the basic underlying configuration? Does DP type influence this configuration e.g., via movement?
Argumentele interne reprezintă un demers de cercetare ce își propune să investigheze interfața sintaxă - semantică. Obiectivul principal este acela de a studia comparativ sintaxa și interpretarea obiectului direct și ale celui indirect, luând ca punct de plecare limba română. Proiectul de față se înscrie în continuarea unui alt proiect de cercetare finanțat de Fundația Alexander von Humboldt și intitulat Quantification and reference in Romance and Germanic care s-a concentrat cu precădere asupra relației dintre dependențele cuantificaționale, ordinea constituenților în propoziție și tipul de grup nominal folosit. În cadrul acestui demers de cercetare ne propunem să continuăm studiul privind sintaxa și semantica argumentelor interne în încercarea de a găsi răspunsul la o serie de întrebări precum:
- Care este relația dintre structura și interpretarea diverselor tipuri de obiecte directe, în special în ceea ce privește marcarea diferențiată și dublarea prin clitic?
- Există un paralelism între obiectele directe marcate și obiectele indirecte din punct de vedere al structurii și al interpretării lor?
- Cum interacționează obiectele directe și indirecte în cazul configurațiilor ditranzitive? Care este configurația de bază? Influențează tipul grupului nominal configurația e.g., prin deplasare?
MitarbeiterInnen | Project Members | Membrii proiectului
Gast am Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I – Sprachwissenschaft, und im SFB 1252 Prominence in Language
Büro: Luxemburger Straße 299, Raum 3.03
E-Mail: atigau(at)uni-koeln.de
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur I – Sprachwissenschaft
Albertus-Magnus-Platz | 50923 Köln
Büro: Philosophikum, 2. Stock, Raum 2.116
Tel.: +49(0)221-470-4884
E-Mail: klaus.vonheusinger(at)uni-koeln.de
Publikationen | Publications | Publicatii
Tigău, Alina. (submitted). Differential Object Marking in Spanish and Romanian: a contrastive analysis. In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist (eds.) Proceedings of Differential Object Marking in Spanish ‐ diachronic change and synchronic variation, University of Zürich.
Tigău, Alina. accepted. Scope dependencies within Romanian ditransitives. In Tănase-Dogaru, M. (et. al.) (De)constructing Language Structure and Meaning. Studies on syntax, semantics, language acquisition, and phonology, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2019 (accepted). Dative clitics in Romanian ditransitives. In Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Adnana Boioc & Stefania Costea (eds.), Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 31, Bucharest, Amsterdam: Benjamins. First submission July 2018, expected review Sept 2018, expected publication 2019.
Alexandra Cornilescu & Tigău, Alina. 2019 (accepted). Is there a dative alternation in Romanian? Remarks on the cross-categorial variation of datives in ditransitive construction. In Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Adnana Boioc & Stefania Costea (eds.), Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 31, Bucharest, Amsterdam: Benjamins. First submission July 2018, expected review Sept 2018, expected publication 2019.
Alina Tigău (ed.). 2020. Special issue: The syntax and semantics of internal arguments. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics XXII(2). doi:https://bwpl.unibuc.ro/vol-xxii-nr-2/.
Tigău, Alina. 2020. Experimental Insights into the syntax of Romanian Ditransitives. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin. pp. 293. ISBN: 978-1-5015-1807-2.
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger (eds). 2019. Special issue ’Datives in discourse’. Revue roumaine de linguistique LXIV (4).
Tigău, Alina. 2019. Quirky subjects in Romanian impersonal dative constructions. Proceedings of AICED 2018. University of Bucharest Publishing House.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2018. The diachronic development of Differential Object Marking in Spanish ditransitive constructions. In Ilja A. Serzant, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich & Kelsey Mann (eds.), Diachrony of differential argument marking, 315–344. Berlin: Language Science Press. http://langsci- press.org/catalog/book/173.
von Heusinger, Klaus, Georg A. Kaiser & Alazne Arriortua. 2018. Differential Object Marking in ditransitive constructions in Basque. In Teresa Parodi (ed.), Proceedings of the VIII Nereus International Workshop ”Referential properties of the Romance DP in the context of multilingualism” Arbeitspapier 129, 25–61. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.
Tigău, Alina. 2018. A Higher Applicative: the case of the Romanian ethical dative, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique LXIII no. 4, p. 361–378.
Tigău, Alina. 2018. Linguistic Creativity with Clitic Left Dislocated Objects in Old Romanian. Creativity, 1 (1), p. 107–122.
Alexandra Cornilescu, Tigău, Alina. 2018. Towards a derivational account of Romanian binding ditransitive constructions. In Teresa Parodi (ed.), Proceedings of the VIII Nereus International Workshop “Referential Properties of the Romance DP in the Context of Multilingualism”. Arbeitspapier 129. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz 2018, p 121-140.
Cornilescu, Alexandra, Anca Dinu, Alina Tigau. 2017. Experimental data on Romanian Double Object Constructions. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, special volume Investigating Romanian Datives / Recherches autour du datif roumain, LXII no. 2., p. 157-177.
Cornilescu, Alexandra, Anca Dinu, Alina Tigau. 2017. Romanian Dative Configurations: Ditransitive Verbs, a Tentative Analysis. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, special volume Investigating Romanian Datives / Recherches autour du datif roumain, LXII no. 2., p. 179-206.
Vorträge | Presentations | Prezentări
Tigau, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2021. [Person] intervention effects with Romanian ditransitive con- structions. Workshop on Ditransitives across languages and frameworks (workshop at the 43rd Annual Conference of the DGfS, Freiburg, March 2021).
von Heusinger, Klaus, Diego Romero Heredero & Marco García García. 2021. Verb class and Differential Object Marking in Spanish ditransitive constructions. Workshop on Ditransitives across languages and frameworks (workshop at the 43rd Annual Conference of the DGfS, Freiburg, March 2021).
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2020. Clitic Doubling, DOM and Discourse Prominence in Romanian, University of Cologne, Workshop Prominent Inferences.
Tigău, Alina. 2019. Lingvistica experimentală: o analiză a construcțiilor ditransitive din limba română. Moldova State University, Faculty of Letters.
Tigău, Alina and Alexandra Cornilescu. 2019a. ‘On some morphosyntactic properties of Romanian DOM’. International Workshop The syntax and Semantics of Internal Arguments, joint event University of Bucharest and Institut für Deustche Sprache und Literatur I.
Tigău, Alina and Alexandra Cornilescu. 2019b. Weak definites and the assignment of accusative case in Romanian. The International Conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, AICED 19, University of Bucharest; presentation.
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2018. Differential Object Marking - a syntactically triggered mechanism. Insights from Romanian. Paper presented at Going Romance 32, Utrecht, 11-14 December 2018
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2018. A syntactic analysis of Romanian ditransitives. Paper presented at the workshop Datives in Discourse, University of Cologne, 25-26 October 2018.
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2018. Experimental insights into the semantic contribution towards specifcity of Clitic Doubling and Differential Object Marking. Paper presented at the International Conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, AICED 18, University of Bucharest, 7-9 June 2018
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2018. Specificity with clitic doubling and differential object marking in Romanian. Paper presented at the Workshop ”Specificity, definiteness and article systems across languages” at the 40th Meeting of the German Linguistic Society, Stuttgart, March, 7-9, 2018.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2018. A case marker in competition: a-marking in ditransitive constructions in Spanish. Keynote presented at the 20th Annual International Conference of the English Department (AICED) at the University of Bucharest, June, 6 2018.
Tigău, Alina. 2018a. Differential Object Marking in Spanish and Romanian: a contrastive analysis. Paper presented at the Workshop "Differential Object Marking in Spanish ‐ diachronic change and synchronic variation". University of Zürich, The Department of Romance Languages, 4-5 June 2018.
Tigău, Alina. 2018b. Competing for [Person]: the case of Differentially Object Marked direct objects in Romanian ditransitives. Paper presented at the Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 44, University of Rome 3, 1-3 March 2018.
Tigău, Alina. 2018c. A DRT analysis of epistemic specificity. The case of Romanian Clitic Doubling. The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest
von Heusinger, Klaus & Alina Tigău. 2017. Dative clitics in Romanian ditransitives. Paper presented at Going Romance 31, 2017 Bukarest, November 2017.
Kaiser, Georg A., Alazne Arriortua & Klaus von Heusinger. 2017. Differential object marking in basque. the case of in ditransitive constructions. Paper presented at Workshop on Language Variation in the Basque Country, Palma de Mallorca, December 4, 2017.
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2017. [Person] intervention effects with Romanian ditransitives. Paper presented at the Linguistisches Kolloquium der Romanistik, Universität zu Köln, 7 November 2017.
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2017. Some intervention effects with Romanian ditransitive configurations, University of Geneva, 14 November 2017.
Tigău, Alina. 2017. Person as a grammatical feature. Paper presented at Alexander von Humboldt Network Meeting, University of Bielefeld, 18-20 October 2017.
Tigău, Alina. 2017. Romanian Ethical Dative Clitics. Paper presented at the XXXVth Congress on Romance - Der XXXV Romanistentag, University of Zürich, Clitics in language change and contact, 8-11 October 2017.
Tigău, Alina. 2017. High and Higher Datives. Paper presented at GRATO Conference, University of Lisbon, 28-30 June 2017.
Tigău, Alina. 2017. Romanian non-core datives. Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Modern Foreign Languages, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 1 June 2017.
Tigău, Alina. 2017. 'Dative Clitics and their Semantic Import in Romanian'. Paper presented at Inalco, Paris, 3 February 2017.
Alexandra Cornilescu, Tigău, Alina. 2017. Landscaping Datives. Paper presented at The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (AICED) 18, University of Bucharest.
Konferenzen und Workshops | Conferences and Workshops | Conferințe și workshopuri
Workshop "The syntax and semantics of internal arguments" University of Bucharest, 24. - 25. Oktober 2019.
Workshop "Datives in Discourse". Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, University of Cologne, 25-26 Oktober 2018.
Workshop "The Syntax and Semantics Interface - Experimental Methods". Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, 7-9 Juni 2018.