Sofiana-Iulia Lindemann
(born Chiriacescu)
Department of German Language and Literature I
Linguistics (former staff member)
Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
B-dul/Str. Eroilor nr. 20 Brașov, Romania
E-Mail: sofiana.chiriacescu[at]

Academic positions
10/2017-present: Senior lecturer at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (German)
01/2018-11/2018: Parental leave
10/2015-09/2017: Assistant professor at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (German)
04/2012-09/2015: Researcher and lecturer (“wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) at the University of Köln, Germany
Department of German Language and Literature I (IDSL I)
11/2007-03/2012: Researcher and lecturer (“wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) in the collaborative research center Incremental Specification in Context (SFB 732) University of Stuttgart, Germany, financed by the DFG
Projects on Discourse particles and on Case and referential context
Academic formation
2018: Certificate “Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule” (NRW Qualifizierungsprogramm, 240 Arbeitseinheiten a 45 Minuten)
11/2007-07/2011: Dissertation in linguistics at the University of Stuttgart, Germany
Title: “The Discourse Structuring Potential of Indefinite Noun Phrases”
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger (Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Elsi Kaiser (Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
1/2011-5/2011: Visiting scholar at the department of linguistics of the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, California, USA
01/2002-07/2007: Magister Artium in English and German at the University of Stuttgart, Germany
Thesis title: “Pe-Markierung und Diskursprominenz im Rumänischen (Pe-marking and discourse prominence in Romanian).”
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger
09/1999-07/2003: Diploma in German and English at the „Lucian Blaga“ Univeristy, Sibiu, Romania
Research Projects
- 10/2018-10/2020: Project leader of the collaborative project Reference in discourse: Processing pronouns and demonstratives, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CNCS – UEFISCDI. Project: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1241
- 11/2018-11/2019: Project leader of the collaborative project Implicit causality in discourse, financed by the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
- 2015-2016: Project leader of the collaborative project From Local to Global Discourse Structure, financed by the University of Köln, Germany (with Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger and Dr. Andreas Brocher)
- 2013-2014: Project leader of the collaborative project Referential expressions in discourse, financed by the University of Köln, Germany (with Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger)
Reviewer for:
- Natural Language and Linguistic Theory (Springer)
- The Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics (John Benjamins)
- Revue Roumaine de Linguistique
- Editura Ars Docendi
Selection of organised conferences
International workshop on “Pronouns and discourse prominence”, Kassel, Germany
International workshop on ”Theoretical implications of the syntax/semantics interface in Romance“, Univ. of Cologne, Germany
International conference on “Reference and Discourse Structure”, Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany
International conference on „Reference and Accessibility“, Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany
2010-2015: University of Stuttgart and Köln, Germany (selection)
(In)definiteness, Nominalizations, Information structure, Anaphora resolution, Pragmatics, Introduction to linguistics, Morphology.
2016-2019: Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania (selection)
Grammatical structures, Lexicology, Syntax, Morphology, Semantics, Pragmatics, Introduction to linguistics, German as a foreign language.
Selected Publications
Lindemann, Sofiana, I. 2020. Special indefinites in sentence and discourse. Gunter Narr, Tübingen.
Lindemann, Sofiana, I. 2020. Implementierung von E-Learning Methoden in der Lehre. Thelem, Dresden.
Lindemann, Sofiana. 2018. Die diachronische Entwicklung der differentiellen Objektmarkierung im Rumänischen. J.B. Metzler/ Springer.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana. 2014. The discourse structuring potential of indefinite noun phrases. Special markers in English, German and Romanian. Stuttgart UP, Stuttgart.
Sofiana I. Lindemann. 2020. Effects of indefiniteness on topic transitions. Revue Roumain de Linguistique LXV, 3.
Sofiana I. Lindemann, Stanca Mada, Laura Sasu & Madalina Matei. 2020. Thematic role and grammatical function affect pronoun production. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, Greece.
Sofiana I. Lindemann & Sabina Homana. 2019. The causality implicit in verbs. Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara. Transactions in Modern Languages. Vol. 18. Nr. 1. p. 14-28.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana. 2018. Code-switching and bilingual language competence. Speech patterns of German-Romanian speakers. Fourtheenth conference on British and American studies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Brocher, Andreas, Sofiana Chiriacescu, Klaus von Heusinger. 2018. Effects of information status and uniqueness status on referent management in discourse comprehension and planning. Discourse Processes. 1-25.
Lindemann, Sofiana. 2017. Referenz und Prominenz. Germanistische Beiträge, Band 41/2017, Editura Universitatii din Sibiu, Sibiu. 173-195.
Jasinskaja, Katja, Sofiana Chiriacescu, Marta Donazzan, Klaus von Heusinger & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2015. Prominence in discourse. In Amedeo De Dominicis (ed.), Prominences in Linguistics. Proceedings of the pS-prominenceS International Conference. University of Tuscia, Viterbo: DISUCOM Press, 134-153.
von Heusinger, Klaus & Chiriacescu, Sofiana. 2013. The Discourse Structuring Potential of Differential Object Marking. The Case of Indefinite and Definite Direct Objects in Romanian. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana (ed.). 2013. Proceedings of the international conference ”Theoretical implications of the syntax/ semantics interface in Romance“. Arbeitspapier 126. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana. 2011. Effects of Reference Form on Frequency of Mention and Rate of Pronominalization. In: I. Hendrickx, S. Lalitha Devi, A. Branco & R. Mitkov (eds.). Anaphora and Reference Resolution. 8th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium, DAARC 2011 Faro, Portugal, October 6-7, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Heidelberg: Springer, 144-156.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana. 2011. English indefinite this and referential persistence. Convergente lingvistice. Bucharest, Bucharest UP.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana. 2011. “Factors contributing to the salience of referents”. In Studia linguistica et philologica, Omagiu Profesorului Nicolae Saramandu la 70 de ani, edited by Manuela Nevaci. Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana & von Heusinger, Klaus 2010. Discourse Prominence and Pe-marking in Romanian. International Review of Pragmatics 2(2), 298-332.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana. 2010. Functia prezentativa a lui so’n in limba germana. In: N. Saramandu, M. Nevaci und C. I. Radu (ed.). Proceedings of the Third International Linguistics Colloquium. Bucharest: Bucharest UP, 76-92.
Chiriacescu, Sofiana & Klaus, von Heusinger. 2009. Pe-marking and referential persistence in Romanian. In: Riester, Arndt & Onea, Edgar (Hrsg.). SinSpec, Vol. 3, "Incremental Specification in Context". Online Publikationsverbund der Universität Stuttgart (OPUS), 1-19.