Referential Expressions in Discourse (RED)
Referential expressions like definite and indefinite noun phrases, demonstratives, indexicals and proper names exhibit varying degree of context dependence in the computation of their semantic import to the truth conditions of the utterances they occur in. At the same time, their interpretation not only depends on the linguistic and extra-linguistic context, but they also impact the representation of context. Indefinites, for instance, have been analyzed as introducing new discourse referents, whereas definites quite often have an anaphoric interpretation picking up discourse referents introduced by indefinites. At the same time, indefinites can also have discourse linked readings, and they can impose further constraints on the prospective development of the upcoming discourse. Likewise, definites can also be used to introduce discourse new entities either by virtue of uniqueness or presupposition accommodation. Recent research has made more and more clear that there are complex and not yet fully understood phenomena involved in the interpretation of referential expressions in general. The Workshops on Referential Expressions in Discourse (RED) are exploring the different semantic and pragmatic effects of referential expressions, models of discourse structure and different methods to address these questions.
Workshops on Referential Expressions in Discourse
RED-2024: Referential Structure in Communication
University of Tokyo: 18.-19. 03. 10. | Organized by Yoshiki Mori (University of Tokyo) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2020: Prominent Inferences
Online/ Universität zu Köln: 17.-18. September | Organized by Jet Hoek (Radboud University) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2019: Pronouns and discourse prominence
Kassel: 02.-03.10. | Organized by Sofiana Lindemann (Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2018: Datives in Discourse
Universität zu Köln: 25.-26.10. | Organized by Alina Tigău (UoC) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2017: The grammar of reference and quantification: functions, variation, and change
Università di Bologna: 15.-16.06. | Organized by Chiara Gianollo (Università di Bologna) & Nicola Grandi (Università di Bologna) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2016: The grammar of reference: functions, variation, and change
Universität zu Köln: 13.-14.05. | Organized by Chiara Gianollo (UoC) & Maria Napoli (Università del Piemonte Orientale) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2015: Partitivität in Turksprachen und anderen altaischen Sprachen
Universität zu Köln: 3.06. | Organized by Jaklin Kornfilt (Syracuse University) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2014: Indefinites in Discourse Structure
Universität zu Köln: 27.-28.06. | Organized by Edgar Onea (Universität Göttingen) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2013 Indefinites in Discourse
Universität zu Köln: 27.-28.08. | Organized by Edgar Onea (Universität Göttingen) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
RED-2011: Indefinites and Beyond
Universität Göttingen: 17.-18.11. | Organized by Edgar Onea (Universität Göttingen) & Paula Menéndez-Benito
RED-2010: Reference and Discourse Structure
Universität Stuttgart: 15.-17.01. | Organized by Sofiana Chiriacescu (Universität Stuttgart) & Klaus von Heusinger (Universität Stuttgart)
Chiara Gianollo
Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica
Via Zamboni 32
40126 Bologna, Italy
Klaus von Heusinger
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur I
Universität zu Köln
50923 Köln, Germany
Klaus. vonHeusinger[at]
Jet Hoek
Department of Language and Communication
Radboud University
Postbus 9103
6500 HD Nijmegen, Netherlands
Sofiana Lindemann
Facultatea de Litere
Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov
B-dul Eroilor nr. 25
500030 Braşov, Romania

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Institut für Germanistik
Heinrich Casper Gasse 5a
8010 Graz, Austria