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Argument Structure in Discourse


Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger, University of Cologne
Dr. Alina Tigau, University of Bucharest


This project investigates the discourse properties of internal and external arguments under different types of marking (Differential Object Marking (DOM), Clitic Doubling, zero marking) and for various DP types (e.g., definites vs. indefinites). The hypothesis we start from is that the referential form of an expression conveys information for sentence semantics (referentiality), for informationsstructure (givennes or familiarity) and for discourse structure (discourse prominence). The investigation is mainly carried out on Romanian but also extends across other Romance languages.


Project Members

Dr. Alina Tigău

Gast am Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I – Sprachwissenschaft, und im SFB 1252 Prominence in Language 

Büro: Luxemburger Straße 299, Raum 3.03 
E-Mail: atigau(at)uni-koeln.de 

Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger

Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur I – Sprachwissenschaft
Albertus-Magnus-Platz | 50923 Köln

Büro: Philosophikum, 2. Stock, Raum 2.116

Tel.: +49(0)221-470-4884
E-Mail: klaus.vonheusinger(at)uni-koeln.de



von Heusinger, Klaus & Marco Garcia Garcia. 2021. Differential Object Marking and discourse prominence in Spanish. Presentation at the Workshop "Experimental approaches to Romance morphosyntax" at the Annual conference of the SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea), Athen, September 2021.

Tigau, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2021. Romanian direjct object marking and discourse prominence - experimental evidence from a paragraph continuation task. Presentation at the Workshop "Experimental approaches to Romance morphosyntax" at the Annual conference of the SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea), Athen, September 2021.

Tigau, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2021. [Person] intervention effects with Romanian ditransitive constructions. Workshop on Ditransitives across languages and frameworks (workshop at the 43rd Annual Conference of the DGfS), Freiburg, March 2021.
