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Özlem Yeter

Guest at the Institute for German Language and Literature 1, Department Linguistics, and the CRC 1252 Prominence in Language.

e-mail: ozlemyeter1SpamProtectiongmail.com

Özlem Yeter is a master’s student at Middle East Technical University (METU), Cognitive Science. She worked as a research assistant at the project funded by the British Academy Newton Fellowship 2017 RD-NAF2R2\100075 awarded to Assoc. Prof Duygu Özge and Assoc. Prof  Hugh Rabagliati with the tittle “Language and cognitive development in under-represented populations: A study on refugee children in Turkey”.

As a part of the project, she assessed bilingual Syrian refugee children’s executive function skills (working memory, inhibitory control, shifting ability, fluid intelligence) as well as language abilities (vocabulary size and narrative abilities). Non-refugee low SES Arabic-Turkish bilingual children and Turkish monolingual children were also assessed as control groups. This study was the first assessing these young under-represented children for their cognitive and language abilities.

She organised a workshop titled “METU-Edinburgh Workshop on Language and Cognition in Under-Represented Children, at Middle East Technical University” with Duygu Özge and Hugh Rabagliati in September, 2021.

Özlem Yeter will work on referential expressions of Syrian children’s Turkish oral narratives with Assoc. Prof Duygu Özge, Prof. von Heusinger and his team.



Yeter, Ö., Rabagliati, H., Özge, D. (2021). Are refugee bilingual children disadvantaged in their cognitive and linguistic abilities? In D. Dionne and L. V. Covas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 790-804). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


Taks & Presentations

Yeter Ö., Rabagliati H., Özge D., (2021). Language and cognitive development in under-represented populations: Comparison of language and cognitive abilities of Syrian bilingual refugee children living in Turkey to age-matched non-refugee bilinguals. Experimental Cognitive Psychology Symposium, 7-8 September, 2021, Bilkent University, METU and TOBB University (online).

Yeter Ö., Rabagliati H., Özge D., (2021). Linguistic and Cognitive Abilities of Bilingual Syrian Refugee Children Living in Turkey, Annual Harvard Women in Psychology Trends in Psychology Summit (TiPS 2021), 12 November, 2021, Harvard University (online).

Yeter Ö., Rabagliati H., Özge D., (2021). Does Being a Refugee Create a Disadvantage in Cognitive and Language Development? A study on bilingual Syrian children. Psycholinguistics Coffee, 27 April, 2022. The University of Edinburgh (online).
