
- Referenz
- Informationsstruktur
- Diskursprozesse
- Syntax-Semantik Schnittstelle
- Experimentelle Pragmatik
- Sprecher-Hörer Interaktion
- Psycholinguistik
- Sprachstörung
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
- "Communication electrified - towards a natural investigation of real-time language processing" (Momentum-Förderung der VolkswagenStiftung)
- Projekt im SPP ViCom: "The gesture-to-sign trajectory: Phonological parameters in production and real-time comprehension" (mit Pamela Perniss)
- " New pragmatic theories based on experimental evidence" (Koordinatorin des DFG Schwerpunktprogramms SPP 1727, mit Uli Sauerland, ZAS)
- Projekt im SPP "Processing speaker's meaning: Epistemic state, cooperation and commitment"
- Projekt im SFB 1252 Prominence in Language "Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioral correlates" (mit Martine Grice)
- Projekt im SFB 1252 Prominence in Language "Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora"
Betreute Dissertationsprojekte
- Yu-Chen Hung (2011, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Topic matters - impact of information structure on referential processing: Evidence from Chinese and German
- Stefanie Reitz (2013, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Context-dependent interpretation of the conjunction 'und' in different age-groups
- Hanna Weiland (2014, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Experimental research into non-literal language: ERP studies on metaphors and metonymies
- Janina Kalbertodt (2019, Universität zu Köln): Right dislocation and afterthought in German - Investigations on mulitple levels
- Florian Bogner (2020, Universität zu Köln): The morphosyntactic parser – Developing and testing a sentence prrocessor that uses underspecified morphosyntactic features
- Lena Straßburger (2020, Universität zu Köln): It's a matter of life and death: Incongruity in humor and horror
- Caterina Ventura (2020, Universität zu Köln): Production, perception and online processing of prominence in the post-focal domain
- Melanie Fuchs (2021, Universität zu Köln): Interpretation and shift functions of emonstrative pronouns
- Paul Compensis (2022, Universität zu Köln): Processing and representation of clitic doubling and scrambling
- Christina Rath (2024, Universität zu Köln): The grammar-pagmatics interface in learners of German: Insights into the acquisition of speech act modification
- Rebekka Wanka (Universität zu Köln): Numerusmarkierung im Spracherwerb
- Maria Lialiou (Universität zu Köln): The processing of rises and falls
- Magdalena Repp (Universität zu Köln): Interplay of prominence-lending cues and referential expressions in narrative texts
- Guendalina Reul (Universität zu Köln): The conventionalization process of ad hoc metonymies in naturalistic discourse contexts