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LingGames - Linguistic Games


In the project LingGames, educational board and card games are designed to offer a playful approach to linguistic terminology and methods. The project was supported by funding for improvement in quality (QVM) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne.

Project participants: Planning & conception: Petra Schumacher, Lena Straßburger, Rebekka Wanka, Hanna Weiland-Breckle, with support from Florian Bogner, Janina Kalbertodt, Johanna Kasper, Lara Muhtz, Lisa Scheer, Jana Thoiss, Simon Thoiss. 




Ph[o:]nix is an educational board game - a phonetic version of Scrabble - inviting students to playfully acquire and deepen knowledge in phonetics and phonology. The educational board game can be reserved and borrowed at the University of Cologne via A printable version can be downloaded at          

Publication: Weiland-Breckle, Hanna, Lena Straßburger, Rebekka Wanka & Petra B. Schumacher. (2019). Ph[o:]nix - An Educational Board Game for Phonetics and Phonology. Linguistische Berichte, 257, 115-127.

Now available as online game at Tabletopia. Click here for a instructions in German. 







Seamantix is an educational board game combining basic terminology from semantics with a creative approach to learning. The educational board game can be reserved and borrowed at the University of Cologne via A printable version can be downloaded at

Publication: Straßburger, Lena, Hanna Weiland-Breckle, Lara Muhtz, & Petra B. Schumacher. (2019). Seamantix – ein Brettspiel ohne Worte zum Erwerb semantischer Terminologien. Linguistische Berichte, 260, 521-534.





