Łukasz Jędrzejowski
Institute for German Language and Literature I (IDSL I)
Department of Language Didactics
History of German Language
Albertus Magnus Platz
Universitätsstraße 41
D-50923 Köln
3rd floor, room number: 3.117
Phone number: +49 (0)221 470-5223
E-Mail: l.jedrzejowskiuni-koeln.de
Office hours: Tuesday: 3-4 pm and by appointment via e-mail.
Questions concerning my current classes ought to be asked either before or after the particular class.
For more information on my person, please, consult my personal Homepage.
Research interests
- embedded / dependent clauses (in particular adverbial clauses)
- clause-embedding predicates
- habituality
- syntax-semantics-interface
- formalization of language change processes
- comparative syntax and semantics