Prof. Dr. Anja Lemke
Director of Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies

Department of German language und literature I
Modern German literature
Office: 3.119 (Philosophikum)
Phone: +49 (0)221 470-2102
E-Mail: anja.lemke(at)
For further information regarding seminars, exams, and papers (Hausarbeiten) please contact: lemke-buero(at)
Office hours: by arrangement via email.

Key research areas
- German literature in the European context from the 16th to the 21st centurys
- Aesthetics, literature and knowledge, literature and education
- Literature and philosophy
Information | Next Sommerschule: at Yale University 15.08.-19.08.2022
GIP 'Diversifying German Studies'
Anneliese Maier-Forschungspreis
Recent Publications
- Infinitesimalkalkül und Reihenbildung. Käte Hamburger liest Novalis, in: MLN-Sonderheft: Life Lines. Poems, Poetry, Poetics (106) 2021, S. 643-686.
- Figurationen der Form. Überlegungen zur Ästhetik bei Kant, Schiller und Schlegel, in: Figurationen 1/2021: Schwerpunktheft: Figurationen, hg. v. Thierry Greub, Köln u.a.: Böhlau 2021, S. 81-102.
- Transitions Between the Possible and the Actual: The Experience of Nature as Contingency in Hölderlin’s ‘Das untergehende Vaterland’ in: Hölderlin’s Philosophy of Nature, ed. by Rochelle Tobias, Edinburgh University Press (= New Perspectives in Ontology), 2020, S. 164-177.
- Philologisch-philosophische Arabesken. Friedrich Schlegel liest Goethe und Fichte, in: Torsten Hahn/ Nicolas Pethes (Hg.) Formästhetiken und Formen der Literatur. Materialität – Ornament – Codierung, Würzburg 2020, S. 167-184.