Susann Fischer | Mario Navarro |
Thursday, 6th November 2014
19.30h | Warming Up: Abaton Bistro |
Thursday, 6th November 2014
19.30h | Warming Up: Abaton Bistro |
Friday, 7th November 2014
Section 1: Clitic Doubling Veranstalter:DFG-Project ‘Clitic Doubling across Romance’
8.45h | Opening Remarks |
9.00h | Explaining the Variability of Clitic Doubling Susann Fischer & Esther Rinke |
9.45h | Clitic Doubling in Spoken European Spanish: paths of expansion Manuel Leonetti |
10.30h | Coffee Break |
10.45h | Clitic Doubling and Object Agreement Elena Anagnostopoulou |
11.30h | The Diachronic Development of Differential Object Marking in Spanish Ditransitive Constructions Georg Kaiser & Klaus von Heusinger |
12.15h | Coffee Break |
12.30h | DP internal doubling Artemis Alexiadou |
13.15h | Lunch Break |
14.30h | Clitic Doubling restrictions in leísta Spanish Mario Navarro & Mareike Neuhaus |
15.15h | Differential object marking with inanimate objects from a diachronic point of view Marco García García |
16.00h | Coffee Break |
16.15h | On the clitic status of the Romance plural marker Natascha Pomino |
17.00h | Non-local relations in Romance: clitic doubling and long distance agree Mihaela Marchis Moreno & Carolina Petersen |
20.00h | Conference Dinner: Mezcal – typisch mexikanisch |
Saturday, 8th November 2014 Section 2: The syntax/semantic interface in Romance DPs Veranstalter: NEREUS
9.30h | At the syntax-pragmatics interface: Information structure within the DP Daniel Jacob |
10.15h | Nominal morphology and semantics – where’s gender in Galloromance? Elisabeth Stark |
11.00h | Coffee Break |
11.15h | The role of formal features in L2 acquisition Teresa Parodi |
12.00h | Coffee Break |
12.15h | Specific and generic subject nominals in Italian heritage speakers Tanja Kupisch |
13.00h | Object clitic placement in the history of the Romance languages Marc-Olivier Hinzelin |
13.45h | Closing Remarks and Discussion |