Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebrand
Department of German language and literature I
Modern German literature
Office: 2.222 (Philosophikum)
Phone: +49 (0)221 470-3799
E-Mail: c.liebrand(at)
Inquiries concerning lectures, exams and term papers:
Office hours: see homepage

Main research areas
- Literature of the 19th century and of classical modernism
- Gender difference, gender identity and gender roles
- Media studies (in particular film) and cultural communication
Recent publications
Numerous publications on European literature from the 18th to the 20th Century (especially classical modernism), in the field of gender studies, film studies; including inter alia:
- together with Thomas Wortmann (Hg.): Zur Wiedervorlage. Eichendorffs Texte und ihre Poetologien, Paderborn: Fink [in preparation].
- together with Rainer J. Kaus (Hg.): Interpretieren nach den „Turns“. Literaturtheoretische Revisionen, Bielefeld 2014
- Kreative Refrakturen. Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs Texte, Freiburg i.Br./Berlin/Wien 2008.