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Nereus III: Definiteness, Specificity and Animacy in Ibero-Romance languages

International workshop at the Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid), October 6th / 7th 2006


Manuel Leonetti

Universidad de Alcala
Departamento de Filologia
Facultad de Filosofia y Letras
c/ Trinidad, 5
28801 Alcala de Henares / Madrid, Spain



Eguren, Luis & Sánchez, Cristina. Extensional and intensional vagueness: the grammar of Spanish cierto 

Escandell-Vidal, Victoria. Topics from Ibiza: DOM and CL-D 

Espinal, M. Teresa and McNally, Louise. Bare singular nominals and incorporating verbs 

Fischer, Susann. Diachronic perspective of DOM in Catalana 

García, Marco García. Differential Object Marking with Inanimate Direct Objects 

von Heusinger, Klaus / Kaiser, Georg A. Differential object marking in Spanish. Diachronic development in triggering conditions. 

Jacob, Daniel. DOM in Spanish: Functional/Structural Background and Diachronic Evidence 

Leonetti, Manuel. Clitics do not encode specificity 

Pomino, Natascha & Stark, Elisabeth. From gender to word class markers: the case of Spanish "neuter" forms 
