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Nereus IV: Definiteness and DP Structure in Romance Languages

International workshop at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), October 9th and 10th 2008


M.Teresa Espinal (UAB)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Filologia Catalana
08193-Bellaterra (Spain)
Manuel Leonetti (UAH)

Universidad de Alcala
Departamento de Filologia
Facultad de Filosofia y Letras
c/ Trinidad, 5
28801 Alcala de Henares / Madrid (Spain)
Louise McNally (UPF)

Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Departament de Traducció i Filologia
La Rambla, 30-32
E-08002 Barcelona (Spain)



Teresa Espinal & Louise McNally. Characterizing 'have'-predicates and indefiniteness

Marco Garcia. A Proto-Role approach to DOM

Susan Fischer. Definiteness, indefiniteness and word-order

Anna Barta. Nominal Projections in Old Romance

Klaus von Heusinger & Sofiana Chiriacescu. Bare nouns and pe in Romanian

Manuel Leonetti. Remarks on Focus Structure and Non-Specificity.

Daniel Jacob. Definiteness and specificity in denominal verbs

Xavier Villalba. Definite adjective nominalizations in Spanish

José M. Brucart & Ángel Gallego. The aspectual contribution of vectorial bare NPs

Elisabeth Stark & Natasha Pomino. Adnominal Adjectives in Romance: where Morphology meets Semantics


Thursday, October 9th, 2008

9:15-9:30 Welcome and Opening
9:30-10:45 M. Teresa Espinal & Louise McNally (U. Autònoma de Barcelona / U. Pompeu Fabra): Characterizing 'have'-predicates and indefiniteness
10:45-12:00 Marco García (U. Köln): A Proto-Role approach to DOM
12:00-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-13:30 Susann Fischer (U. Stuttgart): Definiteness, indefiniteness and word-order
13:30- 15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:15 Anna Bartra (U. Autònoma de Barcelona): Nominal Projections in Old Romance
16:15-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:45 Klaus von Heusinger & Sofiana Chiriacescu (U. Stuttgart): "Bare nouns" and pe in Romanian

Friday, October 10th, 2008

09:30-10:45 Manuel Leonetti (U. Alcalá): Remarks on Focus Structure and Non-Specificity
10:45-12:00 Daniel Jacob (U. Köln): Definiteness and specificity in denominal verbs
12:00-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-13:30 Xavier Villalba (U. Autònoma de Barcelona): Definite adjective nominalizations in Spanish
13:30- 15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:15 José M. Brucart & Ángel Gallego (U. Autònoma de Barcelona): The aspectual contribution of vectorial bare NPs
16:15-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:45 Elisabeth Stark & Natasha Pomino (U. Zürich): Adnominal Adjectives in Romance: where Morphology meets Semantics
17:45-18:30 Closing of the workshop
