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Nereus IX: Morphosyntactic and semantic aspects of the DP in Romance and beyond

International workshop at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany)
November 8-9, 2018


Prof. Dr. Natascha Pomino
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal 
Kathrin Neuburger 
Kim Paulsen 


Workshop Venue

"Neuer Senatssaal" (New Senate Hall)
University Main Building
Albertus-Magnus-Place, Cologne


Thursday 8.11.2018

9:00 Registration/Welcome/Introduction
9:30 Fábregas (Tromsø)
Modifications and domains within the DP:
on Q-like and D-like adjectives
10:15 Manuel Leonetti (Alcalá de Henares)
On interminate readings of definite DPs
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Elisabeth Stark & David Gerards (Zürich)
Partative articles in the Aosta Valley
12:15 Dabiel Jacobs (Freiburg)
"Posessions" and its semantics
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Svetlana Petrova (Wuppertal)
Proper nouns and the structure of the DP in Old and Middle High German
14:45 Susann Fischer (Hamburg)
Psych-verbs and the interpretation of little v in Romance
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 M. Teresa Espinal & Séres (Barcelona)
Psychological verbs and their arguments: morphosyntactic variation and individual object interpretation 
20:00 Dinner

Friday 09.11.2018

9:00 Registration
9:30 Giuseppe Longobardi (York)
Some Romance beyond Romance
10:15 Georg Kaiser & Klaus von Heusinger
Structure and Nature of the wh-phrase and word order effects in Romance interrogatives
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Marco García García &Sophie Mürmann (Köln)
Nominal and verbal factors for Differential Object Merking in Spanish and Sicilian
12:15 Katrin Schmitz (Wuppertal)
Capturing the Meaning of DOM: Results from Spanish heritage speakers and L2 Learners
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Natasche Pomino & Kim Paulsen (Wuppertal)
Restrictions on N-N-compounding in Romance and beyond