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Elisabeth Stark

Universität Zürich
Romanisches Seminar
Zürichbergstrasse 8
CH - 8032 Zürich (Switzerland)


"Mismatches", i.e. linguistic phenomena with 'feature contradictions' on different levels of linguistic structure, like deponentia in Latin (passive morphology with an active semantics), are a recently much discussed linguistic topic (cf. e.g. the volume Mismatch: Form-Function Incongruity and the Architecture of Gramma" edited by Elaine J. Francis and Laura A. Michaelis, 2002, CSLI Publications).

Therefore, the fifth NEREUS workshop will focus on different cases of mismatches in Romance languages, discussing theoretical aspects as well as concrete cases of e.g. 'problematic' arguments and argument-marking patterns, agreement mismatches inside DPs, subject verb-agreement, clitics and complex predicates. The languages discussed range from Catalan and Spanish over Romanian and Brazilian Portuguese to a multitude of different Italo-Romance varieties.

The workshop is open to any interested public, no conference fee has to be paid.

Friday 08.10.2010
10:00- 10:15 Elisabeth Stark (Universität Zürich):
Opening of the Workshop
10:15- 11:15 Daniel Jacob (Freiburg im Breisgau):
"Syntax between compositionality and syntagmatic arbitrarity: cases of mismatch between
the formal and the semantic topology of syntactic phrases" 
11:15- 12:15 Louise McNally / Teresa Espinal (Barcelona):
"Mismatch at the syntax-semantics interface: object bare nominals in Romance" 
Lunch break  
14:00- 15:00 Manuel Leonetti (Madrid/Alcalá):
"Bare Nominals in Hostile Environments" 
15:00- 16:00 Marco García García (Freiburg):
"Unexpected cases of DOM" 
Coffee break  
16:15- 17:15 Klaus von Heusinger / Sofiana Chiriacescu (Stuttgart):
"The mismatch of DOM and definiteness in Romanian" 
17:15- 18:15 Edgar Onea / Daniel Hole (Stuttgart)
"Differential Object Marking in Romanian and Binding" 
Saturday 09.10.2010
10:15- 11:15 Mihaela Marchis (Hamburg):
"Syntax/ Morphology Mismatches in Romance Relational Adjectives" 
11:15- 12:15 Natascha Pomino (Universität Zürich):
"The Italo-Romance DP: inflection markers and their distribution" 
Lunch break  
14:00- 15:00 Georg Kaiser (Konstanz) / Klaus von Heusinger (Stuttgart):
"Mismatching the first person in Romance" 
15:00- 16:00 Susann Fischer (Hamburg):
"Some notes on the diachrony of the Person Case Constraint" 
Coffee break  
16:15- 17:15 Anna Bartra Kaufmann (Barcelona):
"Analysing morphosyntactic complexity: the case of Old Romance Complex Predicates" 
17:15- 17:30 Elisabeth Stark (Universität Zürich):
Closing remarks