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Susann Fischer 
Mario Navarro 



Thursday, 6th November 2014 

19.30h  Warming Up: Abaton Bistro 

Thursday, 6th November 2014

19.30h  Warming Up: Abaton Bistro 

Friday, 7th November 2014

Section 1: Clitic Doubling Veranstalter:DFG-Project ‘Clitic Doubling across Romance’ 

8.45h  Opening Remarks 
9.00h  Explaining the Variability of Clitic Doubling Susann Fischer & Esther Rinke 
9.45h  Clitic Doubling in Spoken European Spanish: paths of expansion Manuel Leonetti 
10.30h  Coffee Break 
10.45h Clitic Doubling and Object Agreement Elena Anagnostopoulou 
11.30h  The Diachronic Development of Differential Object Marking in Spanish Ditransitive Constructions Georg Kaiser & Klaus von Heusinger 
12.15h  Coffee Break 
12.30h  DP internal doubling Artemis Alexiadou 
13.15h  Lunch Break
14.30h Clitic Doubling restrictions in leísta Spanish Mario Navarro & Mareike Neuhaus 
15.15h  Differential object marking with inanimate objects from a diachronic point of view Marco García García 
16.00h  Coffee Break 
16.15h  On the clitic status of the Romance plural marker Natascha Pomino 
17.00h  Non-local relations in Romance: clitic doubling and long distance agree Mihaela Marchis Moreno & Carolina Petersen 
20.00h  Conference Dinner: Mezcal – typisch mexikanisch 


Saturday, 8th November 2014 Section 2: The syntax/semantic interface in Romance DPs Veranstalter: NEREUS

9.30h  At the syntax-pragmatics interface: Information structure within the DP Daniel Jacob 
10.15h  Nominal morphology and semantics – where’s gender in Galloromance? Elisabeth Stark 
11.00h  Coffee Break
11.15h  The role of formal features in L2 acquisition Teresa Parodi
12.00h  Coffee Break 
12.15h Specific and generic subject nominals in Italian heritage speakers Tanja Kupisch  
13.00h  Object clitic placement in the history of the Romance languages  Marc-Olivier Hinzelin 
13.45h  Closing Remarks and Discussion 

