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Research Network for Referential Categories in Spanish and other Romance Languages (NEREUS)

The NEREUS research network serves to establish contacts between researchers in Europe and overseas, who are currently working on referential categories in Romance languages. In particular, we are interested in the syntax-semantics-interface with respect to the grammatical realization of animacy, specificity, definiteness and related categories.

The research network also encourages readers to communicate directly with authors and other subscribers concerning their own and others' research. To facilitate this we publish detailed author contact information including email addresses for authors of each paper. See below for Workshops and Conference Proceedings. You can find older websites here and here.

NEREUS was founded in 2002 in Konstanz to spearhead new initiatives in linguistic research.



2023: NEREUS XI: Argument Structure in Romance, Universitatea din București (Klaus von Heusinger, Alina Tigău)

2021: NEREUS X – Determiners and predication in the nominal domain in Romance, Universität Freiburg (Daniel Jacob, Marco García García)                   

2018: NEREUS IX – Morphosyntactic and semantic aspects of the DP in Romance and beyond, Universität Wuppertal (Natascha Pomino)

2016: NEREUS VIII – Referential properties of the Romance DP in the context of multilingualism, University of Cambridge, UK (Teresa Parodi)

2014: NEREUS VII – Clitic Doubling and the syntax/semantic interface in Romance DPs, Universität Hamburg (Susann Fischer, Mihaela Marchis)

2012: NEREUS-VI – “Theoretical implications at the syntax/semantics interface in Romance”; Universität zu Köln, (Sofiana Chiriacescu, Martin Becker, Chiara Gianollo, Klaus von Heusinger)

2010: NEREUS V – Linguistic „mismatches“, Universität Zürich (Elisabeth Stark)

2008: NEREUS IV – Definiteness and DP Structure in Romance languages, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (M. Teresa Espinal, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Manuel Leonetti, Universidad de Alcala, Louise McNally, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

2006: NEREUS III – Definiteness, Specificity and Animacy in Ibero-Romance languages, Universidad de Alcalá (Manuel Leonetti)

2004: NEREUS II – Specificity and the evolution/emergence of nominal determination systems in Romance, FU Berlin (Elisabeth Stark, FU Berlin, Klaus von Heusinger, Universität Stuttgart, Georg A. Kaiser, Universität Konstanz)

2002: NEREUS I – Semantic and syntactic aspects of specificity in Romance languages, Universität Konstanz (Klaus von Heusinger, Georg A. Kaiser)


Proceedings of NEREUS Workshops

Teresa Parodi (ed.). 2018. Proceedings of the VIII Nereus International Workshop ”Referential properties of the Romance DP in the context of multilingualism”. Arbeitspapier Nr. 129. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.

Fischer, Susann & Mario Navarro (eds.). 2016. Proceedings of the VII Nereus International Workshop: ”Clitic Doubling and other issues of the syntax/semantics interface in Romance DPs”. Arbeitspapier Nr. 128. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.

Chiriacescu, Sofiana (ed.). 2013. Proceedings of the VI Nereus International Workshop ”Theoretical implications at the syntax/semantics interface in Romance”. Arbeitspapier Nr. 127. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.

Pomino, Natascha & Elisabeth Stark (eds.). 2011. Proceedings of the V NEREUS International Workshop ”Mismatches in Romance”. Arbeitspapier Nr. 125. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.

Espinal, M. Teresa, Manuel Leonetti & Louise McNally (eds.). 2009. Proceedings of the IV Nereus InternationalWorkshop “Definiteness and DP Structure in Romance Languages”. Arbeitspapier 124. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.

Kaiser, Georg A. & Manuel Leonetti (eds.). 2007. Proceedings of the Workshop „Definiteness, Specificity and Animacy in Ibero-Romance Languages”. Arbeitspapier 122. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.

von Heusinger, Klaus, Georg A. Kaiser & Elisabeth Stark (eds.). 2005. Proceedings of the Workshop "Specificity and the evolution/emergence of nominal determination systems in Romance". Arbeitspapier 119. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.

 von Heusinger, Klaus & Georg A. Kaiser (eds.). 2003. Proceedings of the Workshop "Semantic and Syntactic Aspects of Specificity in Romance Languages". Arbeitspapier 113. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz.
